Thursday 14 July 2011

The Rock and John Cena friendship

"I was passionate about my words tonight 'cause I meant them. It's not a joke to me. It's my word. My family. My LOVE for my fans and WWE." The Rock

Continue reading on John Cena, Bret Hart, and The Rock comment on Rock's promo from WWE RAW - National Fight Sports |
"CeNation. Sometimes I need not say a thing. ” the People” say it for me. ;) thanks. Hustle. Loyalty. Respect." John Cena

Continue reading on John Cena, Bret Hart, and The Rock comment on Rock's promo from WWE RAW - National Fight Sports |

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson blasts CM Punk for his WWE RAW promo

 On Monday night, CM Punk delivered one of the greatest promos in the history of the WWE. In the promo he insulted many wrestlers including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. On Wednesday, The Rock fired back at CM...
 On Monday night, CM Punk delivered one of the greatest promos in the history of the WWE. In the promo he insulted many wrestlers including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. On Wednesday, The Rock fired back at CM Punk and responded to the insults that Punk hurled at Johnson during his promo at the end of Monday Night RAW. The Rock made the following comments via Twitter:
"CM Punk: it's simple business - The Rock is the main event at Wrestlemania cause it draws more money in one night, then u will in lifetime."
Punk declared during his promo that The Rock kisses a*s more than anyone, even more than Hulk Hogan and John Cena. Punk also blasted the WWE for placing The Rock in the main event at next year's WrestleMania 28 despite the fact that The Rock isn't even a full time wrestler.
Punk's promo was a tremendous piece of television history that has the entire wrestling world still buzzing. Many of his peers and fans have praised his work from the past Monday Night RAW. The Rock might be correct in one thing, and that's the simple fact that The Rock does draw more money than any other wrestler in the WWE. Just look at his ratings for RAW and the fact that WM 27 broke 1 million PPV buys in April.

Continue reading on Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson blasts CM Punk for his WWE RAW promo - National Fight Sports |

John Cena takes a shot at The Rock about not performing at WWE live events

When the WWE announced in early April that The Rock and John Cena would wrestle in next year's WrestleMania 28, many wrestling fans and critics wondered how the WWE could keep the storyline interesting between the two. Perhaps, the WWE and its fans don't need to worry about it because The Rock and John Cena are doing their best to keep it relevant through their highly publicized social media feud. On Sunday, WWE champion John Cena fired off a few shots at The Rock via his Twitter page in response to comments made by The Rock the day prior:
"Hey Dwayne. Sorry I didn't see your message until now. I was busy at WWE live events. I know u don't have any idea what I'm talking about... It's ok. I don't expect u to understand. Enjoy your web surfing. Sounds like u have plenty of time to look up some real cool stuff. :)"
Cena's comments from Sunday were in direct response to the following comments made by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson:
"If John Cena was a woman he'd be this chick - U can hug all the cats you want fruit loop!…"
Cena and The Rock began their feud when The Rock returned to the WWE in February after a near 7 year absence. The Rock ripped into Cena for comments John made in 2008 about The Rock ditching the WWE for movies.

Continue reading on John Cena takes a shot at The Rock about not performing at WWE live events - National Fight Sports |
 When the WWE announced in early April that The Rock and John Cena would wrestle in next year's WrestleMania 28, many wrestling fans and critics wondered how the WWE could keep the storyline interesting between the two...

what say is this not a real friendship for real fight?

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